WNTAI offers a variety of services suitable for a range of organisations including; Multi-Academy Trusts, Housing Associations, Foster Agencies, State and Private School’s.
To find out more see the list below:
Our Safeguarding services include:
All School Staff Safeguarding Training (F2F or online)
Specific training for Governors and Trustees
Safeguarding Reviews
Safer Recruitment Training (F2F or online)
Managing Allegations Training (F2F or online)
Prevent Training (F2F or online)
FGM Training (F2F or online)
Safer Working Practices Training (F2F or online)
Supervision for headteacher’s, designated safeguarding leads and frontline pastoral staff
Currently supporting over 60 organisations with their data protection responsibilities.
Our services include:
Outsourced Data Protection Officer provision
Data Protection training (F2F and online)
Data review and audit
Support with Subject Access Requests
Redacting Service
Support with Data Breaches
Governance support services including:
Minute Taking
Wrap around meetings
Impact meetings
Disciplinary Hearings
Grievance Hearings
Exclusion Panels
Governor Training e.g. Safeguarding, SEND, Safer Recruitment, Managing Allegations
Let's Talk About... the Dangers of Social Media
‘WNTAI is campaigning to raise awareness on the most taboo topics which are happening in young people’s lives. remember, we never talk about it...’
A sessions focusing on the dangers of Social Media, aimed at adults and children, focusing on Year 5 & 6*
The session covers:
Real life stories of people on social media
The latest trending slang and acronyms used.
What you can do to prevent this.
What to do about what you find
Where to go for support
*sessions can be adapted for younger audiences.
Ensure compliance with Keeping Children Safe in Education and protect your school’s reputation.
Our checks look at:
Safeguarding risks
Reputational damage
Causes for concern
We can help your school to become compliant and stay compliant.
Extensive website audit
Proofreading service
Website link checks
Detailed findings report
Stay compliant with statutory guidelines in 'Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023'.
Our service includes:
An in depth review of your Single Central Record
An audit of your Safer Recruitment process
A comprehensive report of the findings
Cyber Security Training focuses on the importance of ensuring schools and organisations are protected from Cyberattacks.
Our session is designed to inform staff of their individual responsibilities when it comes to Cyber Security.